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Документи та положення

Documents of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) have recommended

standards for the level of English aviation experts in professional activities in accordance with

the new requirements.

Documents of Council of Europe suggest standards recommended to students about the level of

English in accordance with international requirements to perform professional activity in

situations of foreign language communication.

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment

On approval of Rules for issuing certificates of flight crew member, flight attendant and

employee to ensure flight

Rules of radio communications and radiotelephony phraseology in the airspace of Ukraine.

Harmonization of professional training of the ATM system specialists in Ukraine in the context

of Eurocontrol demands.

Regulation on aviation English language department of the Institute of Air Navigation.

Doc 9835(2004, 2010 ). Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency


Circular 318 (2009). Language Testing Criteria for Global Harmonization

Circular 323 (2009 ). Guidelines for Aviation English Training Programmes

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