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Regulation about the Department

History of the department


April 22, 2009 is the birthday of the Institute of Air Navigation and along with it the Department of Aviation English.

The Department of Aviation English was created in response to increased international and national requirements for language training of future specialists in air traffic, including future ATC professionals. With all ICAO recommendations, which were harmonized Ukrainian legislation, air traffic controllers should be able to maintain radio communications in English and, if it is necessary, be able to apply in their professional activities plain English at a high level. The purpose of the department is to improve management of the University, strengthening personal responsibility of leaders at all levels for the consequences of its activities, the creation of new areas of training for the aviation industry and on the decision of the Academic Council of the University on April 22, 2009 Record № 4.

The main tasks of the department is the organization and implementation of high-level academic and teaching work of disciplines, educational work among students, research on the profile of the department, preparation of teaching staff and improving their skills.

All work is subject to the department preparing future professionals with a high level of professional competence based on deep theoretical knowledge, practical skills and active life position. English language in this context is understood as a component of professional competence of future specialist, that is part of his / her general training at the university.

The teaching staff is represented by scientists and experienced teachers of Aviation English. The department of Aviation English is headed by Nataliya Pazyura.

Resource capabilities allow the Department to prepare students according to the international standards. The department is situated in the corps 11, room 413. Training is conducted in comfortable bright classrooms, equipped with modern furniture and the necessary audio equipment. There is a computer laboratory (room 313) with the access to the Internet.

Department of Aviation English prepares future specialists in the following areas:

  •   qualification of “Bachelor” and “Master” degree in the Major 6.070102 “Air Navigation”;
  •  qualification of “Bachelor” and “Master” degree in the Major 6.070102 “Air Navigation” for the qualifications:

3144 “Air Traffic Control Management”

3144 “Safety Engineer”

  • qualification of “Bachelor” and “Master” degree in the following Majors:

6.050901 “Radio Engineering”;

6.050903 “Telecommunications”;

6.070102 “Air Navigation”;

6.051103 “Avionics”;

6.050201 “System Engineering”

The following courses are taught at the Department of Aviation English:

  • Professional Foreign Language
  • Aviation English
  • English for Professional Communication
  • Foreign Language on Specialty
  • Business Foreign Language 


With the support of Aerolingua company TMC our teachers and students have an opportunity to use modern books on Aviation English and other up-to-date English for specific purposes educational materials (including audio and video) as well as dictionaries and magazines.

The department also has links with Ukrainian and foreign partners, including famous international aviation community schools and centers:

    • Kozhedub Kharkiv Institute of Air Force,
    • Dragomanov National Pedagogical University,
    • Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University,
    • Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University,
    • Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
    • Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
    • British Council,
    • AEROLINGVA (Ukraine),
    • MLS Colledge (Great Britain),
    • Mayflower Colledge (Great Britain),
    • Pan Am Academy (USA),
    • Flight Speak (Spain).


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